看着就在自己手心里的小小硬盘,陈源多的是感慨,兴F却没有多少。因为作为终极杀招的岁月不饶人绝不是他短期内可以修炼的,没有皇级以上的修为,别说修炼,就连入门都不够资格。After a collision with a comet, a nearly 8km wide piece of the asteroid "Orpheus" is heading towards Earth. If it will hit it will cause a incredible catastrophe which will probably extinguish mankind. To stop the meteor NASA wants to use the illegal nuclear weapon satellite "Hercules" but discovers soon that it doesn"t have enough fire power. Their only chance to save the world is to join forces with the USSR who have also launched such an illegal satellite. But will both governments agree?